Icing Solutions


Side Notes:

Yeah, my shin hurts. I ‘skinned’ it at work while on break. But it’s swelled up a little, and very tender. Ice cream is the only Ice substitute that I have…. but I really don’t want to hold a tub of ice cream to it… or slather it. Also you might have noticed this is ahead of schedule… Or is it? I’ve been really tempted to start doing these more sketchy and loosely like this one… and to just do them when ever, rather than once a week. So let’s see if that works out or not!



Side Notes:

Alright so yeah, Switching things up and moving forward with some plans. The two name changes were actually recent decisions, and I wasn’t sure how I’d manage going about it… but I think it’ll work. The big thing is starting to stream, which … I’m going to attempt next week. That and restructuring Patreon to include all the things. (not sure how long that will actually take to iron it all out.)  I have a friend or two that does some streaming, and we’ve talked about doing at least a few multistream events. And I would also like to do a few special ones here and there if there’s enough interest. There is a lot of things I want to do, but there are only so many hours in a day… and with Peak season at work (the holiday season) I will likely be essentially working around the clock, and will probably seem like a fell off the world. I’m worried I wont have hardly enough time/energy to even do Daily Draw, but… The idea I had (while drawing this update comic) is that I might do super simple Groovy Sweet Adventures as Daily Draws (probably not every day, cuz I wont really have all that much to say I’m sure) But hey .. it’s the thought that counts 🙂 Smiley Face.




Fishy Madness


Side Notes:

While eating sole goldfish crackers this week, I got annoyed over their lack of flavoring. Not the first time I freaked out about it, awhile back I actually went and bought the Flavor Blasted EXTREME CHEDDAR !!! Goldfish. But they were just kinda nasty due to the amount of flavor crap on them. Why is there no in between?? ( or is there? and I’m just not aware of it? let me know.) Other than the fishy cracker freak out… umm new place is going well, and work has been a little rougher than normal this week.


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The Chronicles of Kazzralohr!

My new Webcomic / Graphic novel series has begun with the first book ‘Pawn’s Quest‘.  A high fantasy series set on a world called Kazzralohr. The first book follows the adventures of a young boy by the name of Pawn.

Patreon may be aimed at The Chronicles of Kazzralohr, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still support me through it!

Go Check it out over at  Kazzralohr.com

Tales of Kazz ad

Tales From Kazzralohr: One-shot comics for you to consume! You can find them by just clicking the pretty purple logo!

Not Only Are they up for sale, But they are pay what you want. You can get them totally for free!

Every Day I Draw some sort of picture, and post them on my Tumblr! And I’m open to sketch requests! 

Daily Draw Sketch Requests

But if you Really want… I’m also taking Commissions!

Commish Prices

Pssst… all those images are links.

The move, and the new room

TAoGS-181-Moving Update

Side Notes:

I am now living in a new place!! with a co-worker. I still feel a little awkward around the house sometimes… but other than that it’s been going alright so far. In other news.. Legion has dropped, so I’ll probably play a good amount of WoW. But I have some possible art projects and other things on the horizon, which I’m excited about.

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The Chronicles of Kazzralohr!

My new Webcomic / Graphic novel series has begun with the first book ‘Pawn’s Quest‘.  A high fantasy series set on a world called Kazzralohr. The first book follows the adventures of a young boy by the name of Pawn.

Patreon may be aimed at The Chronicles of Kazzralohr, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still support me through it!

Go Check it out over at  Kazzralohr.com

Tales of Kazz ad

Tales From Kazzralohr: One-shot comics for you to consume! You can find them by just clicking the pretty purple logo!

Not Only Are they up for sale, But they are pay what you want. You can get them totally for free!

Every Day I Draw some sort of picture, and post them on my Tumblr! And I’m open to sketch requests! 

Daily Draw Sketch Requests

But if you Really want… I’m also taking Commissions!

Commish Prices

Pssst… all those images are links.

A Hero Arrives ( LEVEL UP )

TAoGS-180- A Hero Arrives

Side Notes:

Ding LEVEL UP ! ! ! SO yeah I’m MOVING OUT! A coworker has a room for rent, (nice and cheap rent) and I’m jumping for it! All this week I’ve been going through my stuff and throwing stuff away, and preparing for a garage sale (a city wide garage sale which just happens to be this Sat. Lucky timing!) And next weekend I’ll be moving into my new place, I’m rather excited. Although I haven’t had a lot of time for comic work this week, hopefully I can manage to get the last page in Chapter two of Pawn’s Quest completed on time. OH and … ummm just ignore that princess dress…

Feel like maybe helping me pay my rent, or afford food/gas? Want to just be super awesome… well you can start by just checking out some of the other stuff I do! psst… I might start doing even more things.

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The Chronicles of Kazzralohr!

My new Webcomic / Graphic novel series has begun with the first book ‘Pawn’s Quest‘.  A high fantasy series set on a world called Kazzralohr. The first book follows the adventures of a young boy by the name of Pawn.

Patreon may be aimed at The Chronicles of Kazzralohr, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still support me through it!

Go Check it out over at  Kazzralohr.com

Tales of Kazz ad

Tales From Kazzralohr: One-shot comics for you to consume! You can find them by just clicking the pretty purple logo!

Not Only Are they up for sale, But they are pay what you want. You can get them totally for free!

Every Day I Draw some sort of picture, and post them on my Tumblr! And I’m open to sketch requests! 

Daily Draw Sketch Requests

But if you Really want… I’m also taking Commissions!

Commish Prices

Pssst… all those images are links.



Side Notes:

Thursday morning at work, This lil guy found his way onto my shoulder. I nearly freaked out… but then I gently moved him off, and named him. I kinda wanted to bring him home with me… but I didn’t have anyway to transport him or anything to keep him in. Then someone sent him down to the other employees, I know not his fate, I can only hope that Pete is well. Good luck and have fun on your adventures Pete!

I do other things… Like a big fantasy webcomic/graphic novel!

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The Chronicles of Kazzralohr!

My new Webcomic / Graphic novel series has begun with the first book ‘Pawn’s Quest‘.  A high fantasy series set on a world called Kazzralohr. The first book follows the adventures of a young boy by the name of Pawn.

Patreon may be aimed at The Chronicles of Kazzralohr, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still support me through it!

Go Check it out over at  Kazzralohr.com

Tales of Kazz ad

Tales From Kazzralohr: One-shot comics for you to consume! You can find them by just clicking the pretty purple logo!

Not Only Are they up for sale, But they are pay what you want. You can get them totally for free!

Every Day I Draw some sort of picture, and post them on my Tumblr! And I’m open to sketch requests! 

Daily Draw Sketch Requests

But if you Really want… I’m also taking Commissions!

Commish Prices

Pssst… all those images are links.

Crossing Paths

TAoGS-177-Crossing paths

Side Notes:

So yeah, I saw a couple deer late at night on my way home last weekend. One in the middle of each lane, Just barely enough room for me to squeeze between them. Thankfully there was another car in front of me that had turned off just a few moments before. Which resulted in me slowing down a bit.. and I wasn’t back to full speed by the time I spotted the two deer.

I do other things… Like a big fantasy webcomic/graphic novel!

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The Chronicles of Kazzralohr!

My new Webcomic / Graphic novel series has begun with the first book ‘Pawn’s Quest‘.  A high fantasy series set on a world called Kazzralohr. The first book follows the adventures of a young boy by the name of Pawn.

Patreon may be aimed at The Chronicles of Kazzralohr, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still support me through it!

Go Check it out over at  Kazzralohr.com

Tales of Kazz ad

Tales From Kazzralohr: One-shot comics for you to consume! You can find them by just clicking the pretty purple logo!

Not Only Are they up for sale, But they are pay what you want. You can get them totally for free!

Every Day I Draw some sort of picture, and post them on my Tumblr! And I’m open to sketch requests! 

Daily Draw Sketch Requests

But if you Really want… I’m also taking Commissions!

Commish Prices

Pssst… all those images are links.

Old Habits and Green Fire


Side Notes:

I’m usually rather embarrassed when it comes to admitting to playing WoW, at least when I’m currently playing it. Overall I’m not a big fan of the game, but … I do like playing it from time to time (new expansions), as long as I’ve got friends (a lot of ppl to play with this time around), and I do love creating characters.

I do other things… Like a big fantasy webcomic/graphic novel!

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The Chronicles of Kazzralohr!

My new Webcomic / Graphic novel series has begun with the first book ‘Pawn’s Quest‘.  A high fantasy series set on a world called Kazzralohr. The first book follows the adventures of a young boy by the name of Pawn.

Patreon may be aimed at The Chronicles of Kazzralohr, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still support me through it!

Go Check it out over at  Kazzralohr.com

Tales of Kazz ad

Tales From Kazzralohr: One-shot comics for you to consume! You can find them by just clicking the pretty purple logo!

Not Only Are they up for sale, But they are pay what you want. You can get them totally for free!

Every Day I Draw some sort of picture, and post them on my Tumblr!

Tumblr Daily Draw link button

Over Prepared


Side Notes:

Last week at work we were told that there was a need for driver helpers (Runners) this week. I was kinda hoping they’d be needed every day .. or at least most of the week. So I shaved off my beard (because you’re not supposed to have one as a driver or as a helper) I was mentally prepared to work my ass off, I got ahead on Kazzralohr comic pages, and packed/planned lunches. Monday I found out we would only be needing them Wed. and Thurs. Wed came.. and we didn’t need any, Thursday came.. and again.. nothing…    And here I had high hopes to get some extra money to help upgrade my computer and save up.

I do other things… Like a big fantasy webcomic/graphic novel!

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The Chronicles of Kazzralohr!

My new Webcomic / Graphic novel series has begun with the first book ‘Pawn’s Quest‘.  A high fantasy series set on a world called Kazzralohr. The first book follows the adventures of a young boy by the name of Pawn.

Patreon may be aimed at The Chronicles of Kazzralohr, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still support me through it!

Go Check it out over at  Kazzralohr.com

Tales of Kazz ad

Tales From Kazzralohr: One-shot comics for you to consume! You can find them by just clicking the pretty purple logo!

Not Only Are they up for sale, But they are pay what you want. You can get them totally for free!

Every Day I Draw some sort of picture, and post them on my Tumblr!

Tumblr Daily Draw link button

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